Shelter Series: Restoring the Bellamy Slave Quarters
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Join us for a presentation on restoring the Bellamy Slave Quarters on Tuesday, May 31st at 4pm
In mid-2014, after a decade of planning, analysis and fundraising, Preservation NC completed the restoration of the 1859 urban slave quarters at its Bellamy Mansion Museum in Wilmington. Since the museum opened in 1994, this building has offered a rare, interpreted opportunity to explore the lives of enslaved domestic workers on the eve of the Civil War.
Preservation NC painstakingly took apart the woodwork, plaster and brick to take this artifact back to its original condition. In the process, we discovered the skill of the builders, the details that make this space unique, and a glimpse at the rarely seen lives of those who lived here. Join the Bellamy Mansion Museum Director, Gareth Evans, for an in-depth look at the building and restoration of a place of both education and memorial.