With Lead Paint & Asbestos
The NC DHHS, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) administers both federal and state asbestos removal and demolition laws statewide in NC. Please note there are three counties that also administer local asbestos and demolition programs. They are Buncombe, Forsyth and Mecklenburg counties.
In addition, the HHCU administers two separate lead-based paint programs statewide in lieu of EPA. These are the lead abatement activities program and the lead renovation, repair and painting program for projects conducted in housing and child-occupied facilities built before 1978.
Failure to comply with applicable requirements of the laws may result in environmental contamination, personal exposure, additional project cost and potential penalty assessments.
The HHCU has various pamphlets, brochures and other documents available to provide you with more information regarding asbestos or lead-based paint. These, as well as copies of the asbestos and lead-based paint laws are available by visiting their website (http://epi.publichealth.nc.gov/asbestos/healthaz.html) or by requesting a copy from their office.
The HHCU also provides educational presentations regarding NC asbestos and lead-based paint requirements free of charge. If you would like a presentation at your location, contact their office to discuss making the necessary arrangements.
For more information or technical assistance call the HHCU at (919) 707-5950.
Below are more resources, including articles and brochures, about asbestos and lead paint:
Click here for an article about asbestos
Click here for a downloadable brochure with information about asbestos
Click here for an article about lead paint
Click here for a downloadable brochure with information about lead paint