Our Local Treasures: Lessons & Reflections from a Half Century of Preservation

Chapel Hill, NC
Tuesday February 27
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 6pm

Horace Williams House
(610 E. Rosemary St, Chapel Hill, NC 27514)

​Join Preservation Chapel Hill as they welcome Preservation North Carolina President Emeritus and the N&O 2023 “Tar Heel of the Year,” J. Myrick Howard, who has preserved 900 buildings to preserve NC’s history. Myrick will discuss how to save endangered properties and why preservation matters in the 21st Century.

Following his presentation, Myrick will sign copies of his recently updated and released book, Buying Time for Heritage (UNC Press, October 2023).  

This is a free event open to the public. Advanced tickets are not required, but RSVPs (mka@preservationchapelhill.org) are appreciated. 

A reception with light refreshments will follow the presentation and book signing.

“As long as the building remains, you can continue to tell the stories,” Howard says. “Once the building is gone, it’s eventually forgotten along with the stories.” (News & Observer, 12/22/2023)