Support Preservation North Carolina


Donor support helps Preservation North Carolina save and protect historic buildings across the state…900 and counting, to be precise! Annual giving is critical in supporting our work to save buildings, monitor and enforce our preservation covenants forever, provide educational outreach events and workshops, and assist local communities in their own preservation endeavors.

Donors receive North Carolina Preservation Magazine 3 times per year; invitations to tours and events; one free self-guided tour to the Bellamy Mansion Museum in Wilmington; and discounts on website property ads and merchandise. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

 *Patron level and above also includes advance notice of event ticket sales (by email).

 **1939 Circle also includes invitation to a special 1939 Circle Event.


Our Development Office is here to assist at any time.  919-832-3652 (option 3) or email us.

Donations by mail:  Preservation North Carolina, PO Box 27644, Raleigh NC 27611-7644

Gifts of Stock

The Historic Preservation Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.
Tax ID: 56-1145386